Handsworth Roadhogs Grand Prix 2014 Times in Bold - Race in which P.B. was achieved
Final Positions after all 25 events Key: 'Best 8' race position points  
PB Points    
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Psn Pts Name Age/ Bonus Points Rother Valley Virtual Gainsborough Thirsk Bassingthorpe Sheffield Penistone Lodge Moor Low Bradfield Rother Valley Virtual Worsbrough Tickhill Kimmy Canter Three Lakes Penistone Spire 10 Askern Rother Valley Virtual Bawtry Worksop Clowne Silkstone Bolsover Total Races:
Cat X/C PB Trl Park Run #1 Marathon #1 10K 10 Mile 5 - Trail 1/2 Mara. 5 Mile 5 Mile 5 Mile Park Run #2 Marathon #2 5 Mile 10 - Trail 4.5 - Trail 15 – Trail 10K 10 Mile 10 Mile Park Run #3 Marathon #3 7M-ish–Trail 1/2 Mara. 1/2 Mara. 4.5 Trail 10K Run Count Pts.
01/01–30/04 01/01–30/04 16/03/14 24/03/13 30/03/14 06/04/14 09/04/14 23/04/14 30/04/14 01/05-31/08 01/05-31/08 14/05/14 18/05/14 10/06/14 21/06/14 29/06/14 06/07/14 10/08/14 01/09-31/12 01/09-31/12 07/09/14 26/10/14 23/11/14 29/11/14 14/12/14
Pts Bns Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Pts Bns Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Pts Bns Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts Time Pts
Men's Competition No Runners No Runners No Runners No Runners
1 182 John Waller M40 11 10 5 20 0 1:59:21 0 39:27 0 41:35 0 38:40 0 20 0 39:24 0 1:32:44 18 20 0 55:46 20 1:47:28 20 1:56:33 19 47:53 19 13 8 182
2 174 Phil  Cowley M 0 10 5 20 0 1:35:03 0 30:13 0 31:30 19 31:08 0 20 0 30:20 0 1:11:14 20 1:04:56 0 20 0 3:03:45 20 31:09 20 39:49 20 13 8 174
3 158 Mark Woodhouse M40 11 5 5 20 0 39:30 19 28:48 20 1:28:05 19 19 1 31:40 19 1:50:10 20 7 7 158
4 154 John Dix M55 7 5 20 0 43:05 0 19 0 43:06 15 1:36:21 16 48:02 16 20 0 2:05:43 18 53:52 18 9 8 154
5 150 Mick Waring M45 0 5 17 0 20 0 3:11:43 19 19 1 2:11:57 19 2:09:48 16 45:21 17 56:26 17 8 8 150
6 114 Dan Birkinshaw M 11 5 20 0 36:04 20 29:21 19 29:54 19 20 0 5 5 114
7 91 Wayne  Evison M 11 28:05 20 29:31 20 27:58 20 28:51 0 29:30 20 5 5 91
8 78 Anton Horsfall M45 11 38:37 16 40:35 15 38:54 0 39:43 18 40:11 18 5 5 78
9 76 John Richardson M45 0 40:03 14 40:06 16 0 8 1:09:20 18 20 0 5 5 76
10 77 Kevin Mahon M40 11 5 20 0 1:25:25 20 0 1 1:18:36 19 0 1 5 5 77
11 75 Alan Burgess M60 3 2:06:51 13 44:28 13 46:51 13 44:10 14 1:13:09 19 5 5 75
12 61 Chris Horsfall M55 11 38:31 17 36:26 16 36:11 17 3 3 61
13 60 Brian Patchett M75 0 19 1 20 0 19 1 3 3 60
14 60 Russ Varns M55 0 19 1 18 2 17 3 3 3 60
15 52 Andy Hynd M40 0 36:40 17 37:32 18 34:59 17 3 3 52
16 51 Alan Ashforth M60 11 5 41:56 17 38:07 18 2 2 51
17 46 Christian Hopkins M40 0 10 1:32:45 17 3:56:33 19 2 2 46
18 40 Paul Durant M40 0 20 0 20 0 2 2 40
19 37 Alex Gill M 0 1:32:54 17 1:50:12 20 2 2 37
20= 31 Mark Rhodes M45 11 20 0 1 1 31
20= 31 Bill Rawson M70 0 2:03:57 14 2:06:21 17 2 2 31
22 23 Tim Gleeson M 0 5 1:29:41 18 1 1 23
23 22 Jeff Taylor M50 0 0 1 0 2 35:43 19 3 3 22
24 21 Dean Morris M45 0 1:02:49 20 0 1 2 2 21
25= 20 James Tracey M65 0 19 1 1 1 20
25= 20 Gary Kennedy M50 0 20 0 1 1 20
25= 20 Simon Loveitt M50 0 20 0 1 1 20
25= 20 Andrew Virgin M 0 20 0 1 1 20
29= 18 Paul Ford M45 0 18 0 1 1 18
29= 18 Eddie Hargreave M60 0 17 1 1 1 18
31 17 Paul Higginbottom M40 0 0 8 0 6 0 3 3 3 17
32= 1 Grant Hutchesson M50 0 0 1 1 1 1
32= 1 Andrew Orwin M20 0 0 1 1 1 1
Ladies Competition No Runners No Runners No Runners No Runners No Runners No Runners
1 182 Angela Millns F40 11 10 5 20 0 2:22:42 0 51:38 0 49:21 0 18 2 49:27 0 1:49:50 19 3:11:40 0 1:41:48 20 20 0 1:07:43 0 2:11:58 18 2:09:48 0 45:21 19 56:26 20 15 8 182
2 176 Nicola Bates F40 11 5 20 0 1:46:21 0 39:02 20 36:51 20 20 0 38:04 20 2:14:10 20 1:20:16 0 20 0 55:05 0 1:43:05 20 1:40:50 0 12 8 176
3 166 Cheryl Hague F40 11 5 0 0 1:58:20 18 43:25 19 20 0 2:24:27 19 19 0 57:32 18 1:48:29 19 1:48:47 18 9 8 166
4 126 Gillian Robinson-Smith F45 7 5 20 0 2:06:30 16 44:59 20 43:45 19 20 0 45:22 19 6 6 126
5 108 Tracey Shaw F45 0 2:11:43 14 47:24 18 45:14 18 20 0 45:52 18 20 0 6 6 108
6 115 Katie Jenkins F 11 5 20 0 1:19:05 20 1:14:58 20 51:02 20 1:42:14 19 5 5 115
7 79 Nicola Waller F45 0 20 0 20 0 20 0 56:27 19 4 4 79
8 65 Emma Cowley F 0 5 20 0 1:43:35 20 20 0 3 3 65
9 60 Kathleen Anne Grant F45 0 19 1 17 3 16 4 3 3 60
10 59 Nina Sell F 0 19 1 19 1 19 0 3 3 59
11 55 Lorraine  Waring F40 0 17 0 17 1 17 3 3 3 55
12 54 Nichola Cadet F35 0 19 1 2:11:10 15 17 2 3 3 54
13 51 Amanda Hirst F40 0 2:20:51 12 17 2 17 3 3 3 51
14 40 Janet D'Rosa F50 0 19 1 18 2 2 2 40
15 40 Kerry Wiseman F40 0 18 2 19 1 2 2 40
16 38 Lydia Rosheen F50 0 16 2 18 2 2 2 38
17 36 Wendy Blackbourn F50 0 5 18 0 2:19:41 13 2 2 36
18 24 Cheryl Bradbury F45 3 0 4 1:58:59 17 2 2 24
19= 20 Jan Ashforth F60 0 43:33 20 1 1 20
19= 20 Marian Benge F45 0 20 0 1 1 20
21= 18 Pamela Rawson F70 0 51:46 18 1 1 18
21= 18 Irene Ironside F60 0 18 0 1 1 18
23 13 Jayne Jepson F 0 13 0 1 1 13
24 12 Jane Ford F40 0 12 0 1 1 12
25 10 Lisa  Bodell F 0 2:27:16 10 1 1 10
Hogs Competing / race 28 0 2 0 1 19 9 12 12 27 0 11 7 5 5 0 2 4 33 2 6 5 9 7 6 212
O/A Total Hogs / number of races 58 212 212
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ă J.D. 2014
** Claim your Pbs if any have been missed  **